Thursday, January 10, 2008

Education in Singapore Pt 2

Hi again. Now,back to my complaining about Singapore's education system. Besides making childrens' lives even more difficult due to comparison,it also breeds only one thing:arrogance. Too many times have we heard students from "good" schools proudly boast that they are the best and label students from neighbourhood schools stupid. Remember the Wee Shu Min saga?What will happen to Singapore if people like her rule the country? Also,there is no school that should ever be labelled "lousy". Each school has its own niche in something,be it sports or arts or results. Unfortunately,we peasants can only get a job if we have good results. Therefore,parents judge schools according to how high their standard is. Think about it. Does it sound silly to judge schools like this? Of course it is!
If the education system is not changed,I am afraid that we may see more talented people being booted to low paying jobs because they did not come from a "good" school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well i sort of agree but anw...go get a cbox, even timothy has one. Just type "cbox" in ur search browser and go download it...