Sunday, June 29, 2008

Rant on small kids playing games.

I am laughing my head and a** off.

Why? Becos of what happened today.

I went to the Toys and Comics Convention at Suntec today. Damn crowded. Probably becos it was the last day. Anyway,there was this Wii demo station and many parents were letting their precious kids try,or should I say,waste other people's time. The kids could play the games as well as I could get number 1 position in a game of Halo,or any other game for that matter.
Here's a scenario of one of the many LOL moments:
Little boy takes Wii zapper aka shooting thingy which does not look like a gun. He holds it at face level. The targeting reticle is nowhere to be seen and his character is pointing at the top right corner firing arrow after arrow at nothing. Meanwhile,enemies are attacking him. Behind him,some guys laugh. The boy's final score...0. No kidding.
Parents,pls DO NOT let ur child play video games if they are too young. Firstly,you will be embarrassed as ur child is waving the controller violently as though he hates it as much as his evil siblings. Secondly,you will be wasting people's time as they have no choice but to wait for ur child to finish. Wait till ur child is about 8 or 9 and understands sentences like "shoot the circles,not the crosses" or "press A to accelerate" before you let him or her play video games.
I have also seen idiotic parents blowing all their tokens at arcades in less than 5 mins. Reason? They don't know how to play the games. In Time Crisis (1,2,3 or 4 i don't care), STEP ON THE FREAKING PEDAL TO SHOOT!!!!! Too many times have I seen some dumb parent watch his or her child lose all 3 lives becos the time ran out. Or they used all their bullets and don't know how to reload. Then,they say "This game is broken"
Another example is House of the dead. Shoot outside of the bloody screen to reload,not keep on pumping the trigger and seeing zombies slash/bite/claw you. And if your child can't reach the acceleration pedal in Daytona USA,don't let him or her play it. EVER.
Ok...maybe until he/she grows...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

School's in...holidays out...

Second day of the second semester of the school...still surviving. Everyone was happy as we got to learn the "pervertic" chapter for Bio...reproduction in humans. Realised that the Home Econs classes are not swapping teachers!
Raise The Roof 1
In other news,TIMO has been transferred to MY GROUP!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! If he slacks like how his former group members claim then I am going to kick him out. Melvin joked that Timo pulls down the entire group...literally and figuratively,due to his size.

Also,NAPFA is coming...must train.

Until the nxt post....

Tuesday, June 17, 2008






Yes! Clapping Hands

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My parents are killing me!!!

What must I do to please my parents?! They always criticize me over everything I do. Just a few miutes ago my father said that I have slippery fingers because I dropped the remote control. I was also scolded for not asking permission to watch TV.

And I'm still not allowed to listen to the radio as punishment for failing Maths. Help!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Free Speech

Hi guys. By now you would have heard about the news about a guy who got sued by the government for "defaming" them. Mr Gopalan Nair was fined $5000 for defaming Mr *** and other people in the government. This is the link to his blog:
But what exactly is defamation? According to the dictionary I have it means the act of writing or saying something that makes people have an unfairly bad opinion of someone. I have read Mr Nair's blog and this is (quoting from Wee "get out of my elite uncaring face as I'm an MP's daughter" Shu Min) the brutal truth: IT IS NOT DEFAMING.

Does Mr Nair make up fake events or incidents to put the government in a bad light? No.

Does he spout vulgarities like no one's business and insult the government? No.

All he does is state the facts and give his own opinions on the incident in question. If this is defaming,then I can conclude that Singapore DOES NOT allow free speech. Sure,you are allowed to talk about politics at the Speakers Corner,but you need a permit. You can swear and insult the PAP in the nearby kopitiam,but you can't stage a protest which only involves waving signs around. No violence,no insults.

Free speech in Singapore? I doubt it.