Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Last day of school...last day in 2E...

Today is the last day as a Secondary 2 student...I got my report book sucked. The only thing I was happy about was my A1 for EL and the overall percentage of 65.4%. I can take 8 subjects!!!! :)

But seriously,thinking about the fact that class 2E of 2008 will be separated is a bit sad...guess it has to happen eventually. And I can still meet my friends on games and MSN...if my parents let me play.........

Monday, October 13, 2008

Singaporeans and their ignorance Part 2

Besides having a fear of animals,most Singaporeans also try to dominate them. Take an idiotic man who is dangling a banana in front of a monkey. Naturally,the monkey would grab the fruit. But the man swings it away,angering the monkey. What started as a cruel joke ended up with many scratches for the man. And what does he say?

"See,these animals are so violent!"

But enough about animals. Let's talk about kiasuism. Most Singaporeans are always so competitive! From getting their children into "good" schools to rushing into a bus to get a seat,they even camp out to get a set of Hello Kitty dolls! Someone needs to tell them that life is not all about competition. But who? Certainly not the bloody Government. In fact,they do the exact opposite. "Let's introduce foreign talent to encourage competition" WTH. They treat us like gladiators who fight to live.

There is also something else that Singaporeans are guilty of. Homophobia. Now,let me make this very clear. This is NOT a Christian-bashing post and the only Christians I curse are those extremists in USA. (Think Sarah Palin) So don't spam my cbox...thnks

Anyway,homophobia is a very serious problem. Many Singaporeans don't like gays (or lesbians for that matter) because they see them as freaks of nature. Because they're different. Let me ask you something: Would you want to be labelled as a freak? Of course not! So why do people still hate homosexuals? Besides religion which says that being gay is punishable by death,others hate them because they can't "be normal and like people of the opposite gender". To me,this doesn't really matter as long as they are good people.

So Singaporeans,stop being so stupid. We are a "first world country" after all.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Singaporeans and their ignorance

Hi. Today I'll be ranting on Singaporeans who are extremely dumb. Too many times have you heard people say something extremely stupid. What? You ask. Here's an example:

A family goes to the zoo during the weekend. Everything goes well until they go to the tiger enclosure.

Boy: Wah! The tiger is so big! And it's teeth are very sharp! (nothing wrong here. it's just an observation)

Parents: Don't go too near. Or you'll be eaten up! The tiger is very fierce,you know!

(Boy vows to protect parents from tigers by killing them. Parents pat boy's head)

WTH. First of all,tigers will not attack anyone for no reason unless it's crazy,sick or injured. Or if it sees you as a threat. Tigers in the ZOO are kept a distance away from the visitors,for goodness sake. And this condoning of killing animals to protect yourself is quite disturbing. No wonder tigers are an endangered species.

TigerTell me,does this look fierce to you?

Contd in part 2...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Exams over...holidays arrives...

Finally. After a whole week of extremely idiotic exams,the work period is finally over. Now,2 weeks of fun and getting results.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


To all kids out there: treasure your childhood,and don't ever,EVER become like those uptight adults you see.