Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

In just over an hour,the year 2008 will be forever a memory. With it brings new hope for the next year...
2009 Hat

This is my wishlist for the new year:
  1. World peace (seriously....not joking)
  2. That the MOE will change the education system and spare me from stress before I kill myself
  3. Everyone will actually start to CARE for the Earth and slow down Global Warming
  4. NS is shortened to 1 year
  5. I get an Xbox 360 plus Gears of War 2.

Happy New Year everyone.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Belated Christmas!!!!

Candy Cane 1 Merry Christmas Santa 3D Rudolph Present

Yes I know this post is random....

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hi. Went to watch Yes Man today. Extremely funny.
Too Funny

But what would happen if an ordinary student in Singapore were to say yes to everything?

Parent: Other kids are going for all sorts of enrichment classes like piano lessons. You should go.

Student: OK

(When the student is in Upper Primary)

Parent: You should take tuition so that you will be able to go to a good school.

Student: OK

(Student gets good results)

Parent: Go for a sports or uniformed groups CCA! All those other CCAs are for girls/nerds/useless people.

Student: OK

(Student gets tortured in CCA)

Teacher: Do you want to take up this role? It will get you CCA points.

Student: Yes

(Student is stressed out)

(In NS)

Officer: You sissy! Go and do ten laps for me!

Student: OK

(Student runs ten laps,collapses and dies. When interviewed,the officer says that it was not his fault the student died)

Sucks to be a Yes Man in Singapore.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hi. Just got back from the chalet. Anyway,there are an issue I need to settle.

The $15 is used to pay for the chalet. NOTHING ELSE. Don't keep on asking why u need to pay $15 when the BBQ equipment has to be bought by you. My mum has already bought chicken wings,hotdogs and satay. If you want to complain,I suggest that you buy the food next time.

And if u find me irritating,I apologise for my attitude. But in case u don't know,I HATE horror movies and "haunted house" theme park attractions and have slight vertigo. So don't blame me for freaking out.
Once again,I apologise if I have pissed u off in any way.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Holiday well spent?

Hi guys. How are the holidays? Enjoying them? Finished holiday homework? Pls comment on the cbox.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm posting again!!! And a very important announcement

Announcement: I am planning to organise an outing for ex 6C 2006 pupils and current VS2E classmates. Please post on the cbox to tell me if you are free in December...more details given after I see the response. Thnks.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Last day of school...last day in 2E...

Today is the last day as a Secondary 2 student...I got my report book sucked. The only thing I was happy about was my A1 for EL and the overall percentage of 65.4%. I can take 8 subjects!!!! :)

But seriously,thinking about the fact that class 2E of 2008 will be separated is a bit sad...guess it has to happen eventually. And I can still meet my friends on games and MSN...if my parents let me play.........

Monday, October 13, 2008

Singaporeans and their ignorance Part 2

Besides having a fear of animals,most Singaporeans also try to dominate them. Take an idiotic man who is dangling a banana in front of a monkey. Naturally,the monkey would grab the fruit. But the man swings it away,angering the monkey. What started as a cruel joke ended up with many scratches for the man. And what does he say?

"See,these animals are so violent!"

But enough about animals. Let's talk about kiasuism. Most Singaporeans are always so competitive! From getting their children into "good" schools to rushing into a bus to get a seat,they even camp out to get a set of Hello Kitty dolls! Someone needs to tell them that life is not all about competition. But who? Certainly not the bloody Government. In fact,they do the exact opposite. "Let's introduce foreign talent to encourage competition" WTH. They treat us like gladiators who fight to live.

There is also something else that Singaporeans are guilty of. Homophobia. Now,let me make this very clear. This is NOT a Christian-bashing post and the only Christians I curse are those extremists in USA. (Think Sarah Palin) So don't spam my cbox...thnks

Anyway,homophobia is a very serious problem. Many Singaporeans don't like gays (or lesbians for that matter) because they see them as freaks of nature. Because they're different. Let me ask you something: Would you want to be labelled as a freak? Of course not! So why do people still hate homosexuals? Besides religion which says that being gay is punishable by death,others hate them because they can't "be normal and like people of the opposite gender". To me,this doesn't really matter as long as they are good people.

So Singaporeans,stop being so stupid. We are a "first world country" after all.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Singaporeans and their ignorance

Hi. Today I'll be ranting on Singaporeans who are extremely dumb. Too many times have you heard people say something extremely stupid. What? You ask. Here's an example:

A family goes to the zoo during the weekend. Everything goes well until they go to the tiger enclosure.

Boy: Wah! The tiger is so big! And it's teeth are very sharp! (nothing wrong here. it's just an observation)

Parents: Don't go too near. Or you'll be eaten up! The tiger is very fierce,you know!

(Boy vows to protect parents from tigers by killing them. Parents pat boy's head)

WTH. First of all,tigers will not attack anyone for no reason unless it's crazy,sick or injured. Or if it sees you as a threat. Tigers in the ZOO are kept a distance away from the visitors,for goodness sake. And this condoning of killing animals to protect yourself is quite disturbing. No wonder tigers are an endangered species.

TigerTell me,does this look fierce to you?

Contd in part 2...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Exams over...holidays arrives...

Finally. After a whole week of extremely idiotic exams,the work period is finally over. Now,2 weeks of fun and getting results.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


To all kids out there: treasure your childhood,and don't ever,EVER become like those uptight adults you see.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Group study...

Hi. Sry for not posting for so long...

Stayed back with Brennan,Melvin,Yijun,Jonathan Phua and Nicholas Chew for group study. Then,Bra said he needed to go for 3rd language. Melvin then listened to music and did his work at High Concentration Level...which was not very high. He did not finish the EL summary...

Then we played floorball with only one floorball stick. The goal was to whack the ball over the railing. LOL.

And I STILL can't play Generals with Nic Chew thanks to my parents...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The "I spam pictures until you go crazy" post aka Teachers' Day pics

Here are the Teachers' Day celebration pictures:
The only food we had. The pizza delivery did not deliver at such an early time. :(

Hazwan striking a pose.


Azmi aka clamrammer

A game of Chinese Chess...

What else can we write?

Seetoh...I know you like ur picture taken...

Start the party!!!

Nic Chew's "big" hand


Berwin tries for awhile...

More Crysis!!!

Jin Xiang-Table Tennis pro

Isaiah...why so pure? lol

Wang Xu...

Brennan noobing


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I am posting again :)

Today was OK...The Home Ec test was quite easy and there was no PE Theory!!! Then after Maths we were told that our Chinese teacher was sick!!!
Way Too Happy

After school,Brennan told us to wait for him as he had to go see a teacher. So that was what Melvin and I did. 15min later,he finally appeared and took a lift from his friend...


Met Yong Quan in the bus today. Talked abt our P6 class...which has yet to have a proper reunion...sigh.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Happy Holidays!!! Do more Homework!!!

That would be what parents all around Singapore would be telling their children. As if we don't have enough holiday homework...
Books( I wonder if teachers are trying to kill us...death by books...LOL)

But seriously,parents need to be more understanding. Holidays do not equal to X-treme mugging.

But does anyone care?

Btw,I went to WSPS last Friday but could not get to see my P6 teacher thanks to the bloody security guards who kept everyone at the foyer. All we want to do is to meet our teachers,not to cause chaos,disrupt the Teachers' Day concert etc.

Is that too much to ask for?

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Got my CA2 results today...quite good. My Geography wasn't very good...only B3. Thanks to Mr You-know-who. Total MSG was 2.5,improved from 3.7!


Tomorrow is Teachers' day celebrations...might be going back to primary school...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Hi all. Today was simply crapped up. The day started ok with Mr Wong giving us our test papers back. I got 23/35,which is abt 65%...not very good,but not sucky either.

Then we had Maths,then HCL (Higher Chinese Language,not hydrochloric acid),then the worst geography lesson EVER. We got our test papers back,and I can tell you the class was PISSED!!!! I got 15/25,which to me sucks becos i got A1 last yr. So everyone was angry with Mr You-know-who for not teaching us well. Example: He did not correct our mistakes in the workbook. The class literally rebelled against Mr ***** ** and demanded for a remark. Thankfully Ms Sharma promised us to remark our papers.

And we're still having the a****** Mr ***** ** for nxt term. Hope we don't fail.

Monday, August 18, 2008

We won a medal...right?

I'm sure all of you know by now that Singapore has won a silver medal in the Olympics thanks to the women's table tennis team. According to the very "reliable" source aka the Straits Times,the nation is proud of their success. Some people have also said something along the lines of "Finally,we won another medal thanks to foreign talent."

But have we really won a medal? The members of the table tennis team all came from China. They migrated to Singapore to lead a better life and you really can't blame them,seeing as China only cares about perfection,which they showed for the world to see at the opening ceremony of the Olympics.

So the match that day was really China vs China. However,our amazing government has managed to brainwash most of the country to take the team's achievement as their own. We did not win the medal. The foreign talents did. And even if everyone accepted them,they would still be foreign talents.

Let's hope that in the 2012 Olympics,Singapore's people will win a medal for their birth country and prove to the world that we do not rely on Foreign Talent

Friday, August 15, 2008

END of CA2!!!!!

The CA2 is finally over!!! Now comes waiting for the results...

I am screwed for Maths. Forgot how to do the congruency question...but should be able to get a good mark for Geography. Speaking of Geography,Timo cheated in the exam. He wrote notes on his hand. When the teacher asked him,he said "I wrote the answers so that I can show it to my mum."

WTH. This ranks NO. 1 on the list of lame excuses.

And all he got was a call to his parents. Everyone thought he would be sent to Mr Chia but nooooo,he got only one call.

And my parents are killing me. When they ask me how I did for exams,I would say "ok". Then my father would say "That's what you always say." Fine. Next time I'll just say that I failed for everything.

Till the next post.

Friday, August 8, 2008


I hate my life.

My parents do not care.
My sister is evil.
Friends can't help.
Neither can teachers.
Who can I turn to?
Crying Into Tissue Crying 1

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rant on...Respect of elders

Ok. From the title you know this post is going to be very long...if you can't read long posts then I suggest you stop.

Too many times have we heard parents tell children, "Respect your elders." When they say this,they mean every single word, especially RESPECT. This means that you should and MUST be polite,obedient,and kind to your elders,whether they are your parents,grandparents or just some guy who you don't know and is heading to a retirement home.

Normally,this is something to follow. After all,your parents are the ones who raised you. But in the little red dot we call Singapore,that sentence is abused many,many,many times.

For example,you (I'm assuming you're a student) board a bus. You are carrying one schoolbag,your CCA equipment and your wallet. Plus another stack of books. After tapping your EZ-link card,you proceed to look for a seat. Finally, you find one and gratefully collapse on it.

Then,an old lady who looks fit for her age boards the bus. After finding out that everyone else has "mysteriously" fallen asleep,she looks at you. You feel a twinge of guilt,but shake your head as you do not wish to die under all the weight you are carrying.

The old lady then starts to complain about you being disrespectful and starts to tell the whole bus. Suddenly everyone wakes up and glares at you. With a sigh, you give your seat to the haughty old hag and proceed to crumble under your stuff.

In this case,it's clear that the old lady is at fault. Not only did she not notice your state,but she also acted as if it was her right to have a seat in the damn bus. This is a common incident in Singapore.

In Asia,we have this tendency to "worship" the elderly,which includes parents. Not doing this will result in punishment. This is very worrying. Does this mean that the elders are always right? What if one of your great-grandparents told you that foot binding for girls was recommended? If you were a girl would you listen to them? Of course not. What if your parents ordered you to take up a course that you hated just because they think that it's "for your own good"? Will it do any good to you?

Respect is a must. But there is a fine line between respect and total obedience. That is one line elders must NEVER cross.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

National Day...two weeks and counting

9th of August...the day known as National Day. The day where Singaporeans (citizens,PRs and "foreign talents" alike) come together to celebrate the nation's birthday. The day where there will be yet another song composed praising Singapore and encouraging people to help Singapore prosper. Then there will be fireworks and everyone goes home happy...

After that there will be a National Day speech by our amazing PM saying how far we have come so far and suggesting another pay raise. The nation will be brainwashed yet again and continue their work as drones...

Next year,the cycle repeats itself...