Friday, March 21, 2008

Cambodia Pt 2

Ok. Back to the trip that I had...

Day 2- Tonle Sap

Azmi and I woke up at 4.00 am that day. Maybe it was because we were afraid of oversleeping,or it could have been the extra loud alarm that I had set to sound at 4. Anyway,we woke up and THEN went back to sleep. An hour later,we woke again and went back to sleep AGAIN. We finally woke up and stayed that way at 5.30. BTW,I have no idea how Azmi can wake up at so early. I mean,he said that he slept at about 2am!

When we arrived at the restaurant for breakfast,we were surprised to find that there was NO ONE there. We had expected the place to have a few other Victorians who came down earlier than us. Even the staff was not fully prepared as some of the food had not arrived. That's really early.

Due to the long distance between Phnom Penh (where we were) and Siem Reap (our destination),the trip took 5.5 hrs long!!! Has anyone of travelled this long on land? In that amount of time,we did a whole list of things. Here's what we did:

  1. Try to do some parts of the worksheet in the bus. I said try becos the bus was driving on a bumpy road. Every few seconds,the bus would hit a bump and everyone would levitate for a short moment.Bus

  2. Play Melvin's GBA.

  3. Take more random pictures of a pissed off Brennan.

  4. Sleep. ZZZZZ.......

  5. Talk. Actually,it was more of a debate actually. We (Brennan,Melvin,Brennan's friend Dexter and I) debated with Azmi abt who we should vote in the next Singapore elections. Azmi was the only one supporting the PAP. All of us supported the opposition.

Upon reaching Siem Reap,we had lunch before heading to Tonle Sap in a new bus with a new tour guide. Tonle Sap is home to many people. Unfortunately,they are extremely poor and have to grow crops or fish to make a living. We got into the motorboat that would take us to one of the floating houses. Along the way,we saw many other floating houses and even a floating basketball court! Our tour guide explained that the Cambodian government wanted the children to be engaged in sports. But what if the ball accidentally rolled off the court and into the river?

Basketball 8

Anyway,we arrived at the floating house,which was very large. I think it was also used as a tourist attarction and a mini zoo. First,we saw two crocodile pits. Next to the pits was a pond which seemed to be empty. Until our tour guide threw some frozen worms into the pond. Suddenly,fishes began to leap out of the water to fight for the food.

The main attraction,however,was a python. At first,no one dared to go near it,until Amirul bravely touched the reptile. Brennan and Jia Hao were persuaded (aka forced) to carry the python so that others could take photos. Some students used "flash" on the snake,which is really asking for trouble. We then climbed up the steep stairs to take in the scenery.

On the way down,I spotted Melvin's cousin. (Ahem) I told him abt it and he threatened to throw me into the crocodile pits if I continued.

We checked in at the Prum Bayon Hotel where we would be staying for the rest of the trip. After slacking for abt 2hrs,we went for dinner and watched a Cambodian traditional Apsara Dance.

In the hotel: MORE HALO AND THE INTRODUCTION OF PILLOW FIGHTS!!! Let's just say that I am a noob at pillow fights. Got owned by everyone.

Watch out 4 Part 3...

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