First day in Cambodia
We met at Changi Airport at abt 6.40am. Then got a scolding from my parents becos they saw everyone (actually it wasn't everyone,they saw wrongly) wearing jeans and they thought that I did not listen to my teacher. Sigh. Then,after checking in our luggage,we took a group photo and entered the departure hall. Everyone waved goodbye to their parents. We then boarded the plane. Since it was a Silkair flight,there were no games. So maybe it was a good thing that the flight was only 2hrs long.
Waiting for the plane...
Amirul taking a nap due to the boredom of the flight.
We arrived and met our tour guide,who then brought us to the Toul Sleng Museum,which was once a high school in Cambodia until Pol Pot used it as a torture room and prison. About 20,000 people died there. You think Hitler is cruel,look at Pol Pot. Ryan,maybe you should take some ideas from the guy and use them in your book. The guy is damn sadistic.
After lunch,we proceded to the Killing Fields. Let's just say that we were shocked at the place. In front of our faces was a Buddhist Stupa with countless HUMAN SKULLS inside!!! They belonged to the people who were killed.
We then proceeded to the Royal Palace and the Independence Monument. Sry that I could not take any photos.
Finally,we went to our hotel. Due to some unforseen circumstances (LOL),I ended up bunking in with Azmi. About 2hrs later,we went down for dinner before returning to the hotel to rest. 2E,on the other hand,ended up partying in room 213 aka my room. Azmi brought his laptop and installed Halo on it. Out of pure randomness,we tried to think of 101 ways you can kill urself with a Warthog in Halo. Also,becos we realised that we had taken so many random photos of Brennan,we started the 100 random photos of Brennan project.
*drumroll* And here are some of the photos. Brennan,if u see this do NOT kill me the next day.
Watch out for Day 2...
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