Read an interesting article in the Sunday Times today. It was debating over the issue about caning children after a case where a father caned his stepson about 100 times. I thought many parents would now see what corporal punishment does to children.
I was wrong.
According to a study, 57 parents out of 100 interviewed said that caning was an acceptable form of punishment. This result is appalling. It is well known that corporal punishment rarely produces long-lasting results. Instead,it instills fear in the child and may result in him/her hating his/her parents. Let's look at this example:
A parent canes her child because he did something wrong (eg: made a mess,broke something,got bad results etc.) There are two things which might happen to the child. Either a) The child learns from his mistake and becomes a better person. Or b) The child is hurt and is now fearful of being caned again.
In both scenarios, the child stops doing that wrong act. But for how long? If scenario B happens,what do you think will happen to the child as he grows up? He may become rebellious and commit other offences just to show his parents that he does not care if he is caned. When this happens, it will only lead to more punishment. A vicious cycle is formed.
I will be continuing this in the next post.....