Hi all. Read today's newspaper and found this interesting article where this atheist soldier from the USA is actually suing the army for harassment because of his lack of religion. Apparently this guy says that some Christians have called him a devil worshiper, immoral and gay. He also claims that he drove fellow soldiers to church and keeps silent when they pray.
First of all,I have absolutely no idea if he is telling the truth since I don't have mind-reading powers,so I will first assume that he is talking crap. Everything he says is a lie and this is just another atheist plot to make Christians look bad. If that's the case,then this guy should just go shoot himself because he's framing people.
However,if he's telling the truth...then it will be the complete opposite. Those few Christians who probably read their Bible too much are in the wrong by insulting someone who respects their religion even though he does not believe in it.
There is one way to guess if the guy is lying or not. Inference. Firstly,USA is a country with most of the population believing in GOD. So it's pretty likely that the guy may be insulted. Secondly,the Bible does hint that gays are unnatural and should be stopped,which explains the "gay" taunt. Lastly,the Bible says one thing: "only a fool does not believe in GOD".
Therefore,I conclude that the soldier is most likely (not definitely) telling the truth.
Any disagreements can be posted on the cbox. 3 more days to SA1...